Date: _______________ Time: _______________ Test No.: __________ User No.: __________

Background Questionnaire

Thank you for participating in our test. Please answer the following questions:

1. General Information

Sex: [  ] male   [  ] female
Age: ____________
Occupation: ____________

2. Sight Impairment

1. Do you use a sight aid when working on the computer?

[  ] none   [  ] glasses   [  ] contact lenses   [  ] other __________

2. Do you have any form of colour blindness?

[  ] no   [  ] yes, __________

3. Education

1. Highest Educational Level Attained:

[  ] vocational training   [  ] secondary school   [  ] university degree   [  ] doctorate

2. If you are studying or have studied, please describe your main area of study:


4. Use of Computers

1. How long have you been using a personal computer?

_____ years

2. How many hours per week do you use a personal computer?

_____ hours

3. Which kind of personal computer do you use most?

[  ] Microsoft Windows   [  ] Apple Macintosh   [  ] Unix   [  ] other __________

5. Experience with Thunderbird

1. How many hours per week do you use Thunderbird?

________ hours

2. Which kind of Thunderbird services do you use?

[  ] e-mail client   [  ] newsgroup   [  ] calendar [  ] other __________

6. Experience with Encryption

1. Have you ever encrypted your personal communications?

[  ] yes   [  ] no

If yes, what kind of encryption?

[  ] K-9 Mail + OpenKeychain   [  ] Signal (Open Whisper Systems)

[  ] Telegram "Secret Chat" / "Geheimer Chat"   [  ] other __________

2. Do you know the term "Web of Trust"?

[  ] yes   [  ] no

Do you know how it works?

[  ] yes   [  ] partial   [  ] no

3. Have you heard of Enigmail already?

[  ] yes   [  ] no

If yes, did you try it and when?

[  ] no   [  ] yes, __________

7. Experience with Usability Tests

1. Have you participated in a usability study before?

[  ] no   [  ] as a test user   [  ] as part of the test team

If yes, what kind of study was it?

[  ] Thinking Aloud   [  ] Formal Experiment   [  ] other __________